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The Brumley Foundation's funding philosophy is to provide as much benefit for as many persons as possible, with particular emphasis on helping people to help themselves and helping those most in need. While other types of requests will be considered, the following types of organizations will be given preference when hard choices must be made: 


  • Organizations offering charitable or low-cost services to children and young people such as those:

    • Providing child care so that parents may remain in the work force

    • Providing educational assistance that will enhance lives and job skills

    • Providing after-school and summer programs designed to help youth grow into productive citizens

  • Organizations providing charitable or low-cost services to the ill, handicapped or elderly

  • Organizations providing basic services to the impoverished

  • Organizations successfully minimizing their expenses by utilizing high levels of volunteer effort

  • Organizations accomplishing more than one charitable objective with the proposed project, such as providing work opportunities for students who will, in turn, provide beneficial services to the community

  • Organizations suffering temporary emergencies


With the occasional exception of endowed scholarships, the Foundation will generally not consider funding endowments for other charitable organizations. 


While expansion requests will be considered, the Foundation's preference is to provide direct operating assistance for programs, or to fund equipment replacement and needed repairs and renovations to existing facilities. 


The Foundation has designated its geographic area for grant purposes to be the upper 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle, with an emphasis on the population center, being Potter and Randall counties, together with Moore County where the Foundation's ranch lands were located. 


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